Nanomaterials for Next-generation Technologies
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Utah State University
Our research interest is in functional nanomaterials for highly efficient photonic devices, near-field nanoimaging, and ultrafast magneto-optical spectroscopy.
12-24-2024. Congratulations to Tyler Barry! He got offers from several dental schools for further study. He decided to attend UT Health San Antonio in Texas. Best of luck with your future study. Again, congratulations!
10-30-2024. Dr. Trinh hosts Dr. Matt Beard from National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). Dr. Beard delivers his talk "Chiral Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Semiconductors" to the department.
10-16-2024. Dr. Trinh hosts Prof. Tho Nguyen from the University of Georgia, Dr. Nguyen delivers his talk of "Rapid Optical and Electrical Sensing of Hydrogen Using Templated Control of Nano-hydride Geometry and Magnetic Composition" to the department.
10/9/2024. Dr. Trinh hosts Prof. Hartland from the University of Notre Dame as an Olsen Lecture in Physical Chemistry: Shining Light on Nanotech: Single Particle Studies Topic for USU's Olsen Lecture Oct. 9
6/6/2024 Group research is on the USU news
4/20-2024 Welcome Baahozhonni Little and Khiara Kinsel, "Native American Summer Mentorship Program", joins us this summer as undergrad research experience
3/2024 Welcome Liam Luvai, undergraduate student, joins the team
8/2023: Welcome Kieu Nguyen, Kien Mac, and Caleb joining the group
5//22/2023: Welcome Antonio Richards, a "Native American Summer Mentorship Program", joins us this summer as undergrad research experience
4/3/2023: after 4 months of delay, eventually the NTEGRA II-AFM optical near-field system is being installed.
2/10/2023: Welcome Chase Pyrah, an undergraduate student, to join the team.
1/1/2023: Welcome Thu Trinh Phan, a Ph.D. student, to join the team.
Magneto-optics, nonlinear optical spectroscopy, and single-photon detection are up and running
Dr. Trinh starts a new research group at Utah State University, July 2022