
Selected publications

(* = corresponding author)

A Perspective on Two-dimensional van der Waals Opto-Spin-Caloritronics.

M-H. Phan*, M.T. Trinh*, T. Eggers, V. Kalappattil, K. Uchida  L. Woods, and M. Terrones

Applied Physics Letter, invited perspective, 119, 250501 (2021).

Switching from electromagnetic to chemical mechanism in quantum plasmonic tip-induced graphene oxide enhanced Raman scattering

H. Hrim, S. Ambardar, A. Albagami, S. Mendenhall, M.T. Trinh, and D.V. Voronine.

Physical Review B, 106 (3), 035410 (2022)

Bright and dark exciton coherent coupling and hybridization enabled by external magnetic fields

V. Mapara, A. Barua, V. Turkowski, M.T. Trinh, C. Stevens, H. Gutierrez, F. Liu, X. Zhu, D. Semenov, S. McGill, N. Pradhan, D. Hilton, and D. Karaiskaj

Nano Letters, 22 (4), 1680-1687 (2022)

Elastically Induced Magnetization at Ultrafast Time Scales in a Chiral Helimagnet

H. Liu, M.T. Trinh, E. Clements, L. Li, Z. Romestan, S. Bhat, V. Mapara, A. Barua, M-H. Phan, D. Arena, H. Srikanth, D. Mandrus, H. Srikanth, A. Romero, and D. Karaiskaj. 

Physical Review B, 106 (3), 035103 (2022)

Light-matter interactions in quantum materials

Observation of Magneto-Electric Rectification at Non-relativistic Intensities

M.T. Trinh*, G. Smail, K. Makhal, D. Yang, J. Kim, S. Rand

Nature Communications 11, 5296 (2020).

On the news: 

Optical Torque Induces Magnetism at the Molecular Level”.

M.T. Trinh*, K. Makhal, E. Dreyer, A. Shanker, S. Yoon, J. Kim, S. Rand

Optics Express, 27, 21295 (2019).

Magneto-electric nonlinearities

Distinct Properties of the Triplet Pair State from Singlet Fission”.

M.T. Trinh, A. Pinkard, A. Pun, S. Sanders, M. Sfeir, L. Campos, X. Roy, X.-Y. Zhu.

Science Advances, 3 (7), e1700241 (2017).

Intra- to Inter-molecular Singlet Fission”.

M.T. Trinh, Y. Zhong, Q. Chen, T. Schiros, S. Jockusch, M. Sfeir, M. Steigerwald, C. Nuckolls, and X.-Y. Zhu.

Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119, 1312 (2015).

“Experimental and modeling study of Auger recombination in silicon nanocrystals”.

M.T. Trinh*, R. Limpens, T. Gregorkiewicz.

Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117, 5963 (2013).

Direct generation of multiple excitons in adjacent Si nanocrystals revealed by ultrafast induced absorption”.

M.T. Trinh*, R. Limpens, W. de Boer, J. Schins, L. Siebbeles, T. Gregorkiewicz*.

Nature Photonics, 6, 316 (2012). 

Highlighted in the News and Views: A. J. Nozik, Photovoltaics: Separating multiple excitons, Nature Photonics 6, 272 (2012).

Multiple-exciton generation and many-body interaction 

Single-crystal to singlet-crystal intercalation of a low-bandgap super-atomic crystal”

E. O’Brien, M.T. Trinh, R. Kann, J. Chen, G. Elbaz, A. Masurkar, T. Atallah, M. Paley, N. Patel, D. Paley, E. Doud, A. Crowther, I. Kymissis, A. Millis, D. Reichman X-Y. Zhu, X. Roy.

Nature Chemistry, 9, 1170 (2017).

“Van der Waals Solids from Self-Assembled Nanoscale Building Blocks” 

B. Choi, J. Yu, D. Paley, M.T. Trinh, M. Paley, J. Karch, A. Crowther, C. Lee, R. Lalancette, X-Y. Zhu, P. Kim, M. Steigerwald, C. Nuckolls, X. Roy.

Nano Letters, 16, 1445 (2016) 

Superatomic solids

Organic Cations are Not Essential to the Remarkable Properties of Band Edge Carriers in Lead Halide Perovskites”.

H. Zhu+, M.T. Trinh+, J. Wang, Y. Fu, P. Joshi, K. Miyata, S. Jin, X.-Y. Zhu.

Advanced Materials, 29, 1603072 (2017). (+ contributed equally)

Lead Halide Perovskite Nanowire Lasers with Low Lasing Thresholds and High Quality factors

H. Zhu, Y. Fu, F. Meng, X. Wu, Z. Gong, Q. Ding, M. Gustafsson, M.T. Trinh, S. Jin, X. Zhu.

Nature Materials, 14, 636 (2015).

Many-Body Interactions in Photo-Excited Lead Iodide Perovskite”.

M.T. Trinh, X. Wu, D. Niesner, X.-Y. Zhu

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3, 9285 (2015).

Trap States in Lead Iodide Perovskites”.

X. Wu+, M.T. Trinh+, D. Niesner+, H. Zhu+, Z. Norman, J. Owen, O. Yaffe, X.-Y. Zhu.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137, 2089 (2015).

Perovskites for efficient photonic devices

“Organic semiconductor compounds and methods of use”

C. Nuckolls, Y. Zhong, R. Chen, B. Kumar, M.T. Trinh, W. Wang, C. Nam, M.Y. Sfeir, M. L. Steigerwald, X.-Y. Zhu, S. Xiao, F. Ng. WO

Patent: WO2015171640 A1. (2015). U.S. patent: US10566539B2 (2020)

“Rigid, Conjugated Macrocycles for High Performance Organic Photodetectors”.

B. Zhang, M.T. Trinh, B. Fowler, M. Ball, Q. Xu, F. Ng, M. Steigerwald, X.-Y. Zhu, C. Nuckolls, Y. Zhong.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138, 16426 (2016).

“Molecular Helices as Electron Acceptors in High-Performance Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells”.

Y. Zhong, M.T. Trinh, R. Chen, G. Purdum, P. Khlyabich, M. Sezen, S. Oh, H. Zhu, B. Fowler, B. Zhang, W. Wang, C. Nam, M. Sfeir, C. Black, M. Steigerwald, Y. Loo, F. Ng, X-Y. Zhu, C. Nuckolls.

Nature Communications. 6, 8242 (2015).

“Efficient Organic Solar Cells with Helical Perylene Diimide Electron Acceptors”.

Y. Zhong, M.T. Trinh, R. Chen, W. Wang, P. Khlyabich, B. Kumar, Q. Xu, C. Nam, M. Sfeir, C. Black, M. Steigerwald, Y. Loo, S. Xiao, Fay Ng, X.-Y. Zhu, C. Nuckolls.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 136, 15215 (2014).

Organic photonic devices

Full list of the publications




1.            T. Thanh, D. Hang, H. Trung, M.T. Trinh, L. Tam, H. Tan, C. Truong “Design and Experimental Demonstration of a High-Performance 2× 2 Restricted Interference MMI Coupler-Based Optical Power Splitter for C-Band Applications”

IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, (2024)


2.            S. Debow, H. Fisher, J. Brown, M. Liebes, H. Wang, T. Phan, T. Mac, M.T. Trinh*, Y. Su, Z. Zander, M. Mirotznik, R. Opila, Yi Rao* “Two-Dimensional MXene Flakes with Large Second Harmonic Generation and Unique Surface Responses”

The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 15, 11087 (2024)


3.            V.A. Tran, V.T. Le, TTT. Phan, M.T. Trinh*. “Emerging Active Materials for Solar Cells: Progress and Prospects”

Advanced Electronic Materials, 2400530 (2024)


4.            A. P Saunders, V. Chen, J. Wang, Q. Li, A. Johnson, A. McKeown-Green, H. Zeng, T. K. Mac, M.T. Trinh, T. Heinz, E. Pop, F. Liu. “Direct exfoliation of nanoribbons from bulk van der Waals crystals

Small, 2403504 (2024)


5.            A. Azmy, D. Konovalova, L. Lepore, A. Fyffe, D. Kim, L. Wojtas, Q. Tu, M.T. Trinh, N. Zibouche, L. Spanopoulos. “Synthesis and Optical Properties of One Year Air-Stable Chiral Sb (III) Halide Semiconductors”.

Inorg. Chem. 62, 49, 20142–20152 (2023)


6.            B. Muchharla, R. Madhogaria, D. Detellem, C.-M. Hung, A. Chanda, N. Mudiyanselage, A. Duong, M.T. Trinh, S. Witanachchi, M.-H. Phan. “Intergranular Spin Dependent Tunneling Dominated Magnetoresistance in Helimagnetic Manganese Phosphide Thin Films”.

Nanomaterials, 13(9), 1478 (2023)


7.    H. Hrim, S. Ambardar, A. Albagami, S. Mendenhall, M.T. Trinh, and D.V. Voronine.

“Switching from electromagnetic to chemical mechanism in quantum plasmonic tip-induced graphene oxide enhanced Raman scattering”.

Physical Review B, 106 (3), 035410 (2022)


8.            H. Liu+, M.T. Trinh+, E. Clements, L. Li, Z. Romestan, S. Bhat, V. Mapara, A. Barua, M-H. Phan, D. Arena, H. Srikanth, D. Mandrus, H. Srikanth, A. Romero, and D. Karaiskaj. (+ contributed equally).

“Elastically Induced Magnetization at Ultrafast Time Scales in a Chiral Helimagnet”.

Physical Review B, 106 (3), 035103 (2022)


9.          V. Mapara, A. Barua, V. Turkowski, M.T. Trinh, C. Stevens, H. Gutierrez, F. Liu, X. Zhu, D. Semenov, S. McGill, N. Pradhan, D. Hilton, and D. Karaiskaj

“Bright and dark exciton coherent coupling and hybridization enabled by external magnetic fields”.

Nano Letters, 22 (4), 1680-1687 (2022).


10.  A. Chanda, D. DeTellem, Y. Pham, J. Shoup, A. Duong, R. Das, S. Cho, D. Voronine, M.T. Trinh, D. Arena, S. Witanachchi, H. Srikanth, M-H Phan

“Spin Seebeck effect in iron oxide thin films: Effects of the phase transition, phase coexistence, and surface magnetism”.

ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 14, 13468-13479 (2022)


11.  M-H. Phan*, M.T. Trinh*, T. Eggers, V. Kalappattil, K. Uchida, L. Woods, and M. Terrones

“A Perspective on Two-dimensional van der Waals Opto-Spin-Caloritronics”.

Applied Physics Letter, invited perspective, 119, 250501 (2021).


12.  H. Duy, D. Hang, T. Thanh, D. Quang, H. Duc, M.T. Trinh, C.D. Truong

“Numerical design and optimization of a high compact, broadband optical three-mode selective converter by manipulating ITO-based controllable phase shifters integrated on silicon-on-insulator waveguides”

Optical Engineering, 60, 115104 (2021)


13.  C.D. Truong, T. N. Van, M.T. Trinh, H. M. Chu, H. N. Tan, B. D. Hoai

“Triple-wavelength filter based on the nanoplasmonic metal-insulator-metal waveguides”

Optical and Quantum Electronics. 53, 223 (2021).


14.  C.D. Truong*, D.N.T. Hang, H. Chandrahalim, M.T. Trinh*.

“On-chip silicon photonic controllable 2 × 2 four-mode waveguide switch”

Scientific Reports (Nature PG), 11, 897 (2021).


15.  M.T. Trinh*, G. Smail, K. Makhal, D. Yang, J. Kim, S. Rand

“Observation of Magneto-Electric Rectification at Non-relativistic Intensities”

Nature Communications 11, 5296 (2020).


16.  N.T. Huong, N.D. Vy, M.T. Trinh, C.M. Hoang.

“Tuning SPP propagation length of hybrid plasmonic waveguide by manipulating evanescent field”.

Optics Communications, 462, 125335 (2020)


17.  M.T. Trinh*, K. Makhal, E. Dreyer, A. Shanker, S. Yoon, J. Kim, S. Rand

“Optical Torque Induces Magnetism at the Molecular Level”.

Optics Express, 27, 21295 (2019).


18.  H. Chu and M.T. Trinh

“Enhancing propagation length of plasmonic waveguides by using metallic double-layer structure”

IEEE Photonics, 11, 4801709 (2019).


19.  N.T. Huong, N.N. Son, M.T. Trinh, K. Hane, C.M. Hoang.

“Tunable hybrid gap surface plasmon polariton waveguides with ultralow loss deep-subwavelength propagation”.

Plasmonics, 14, 1751 (2019).


20.  C.J. Guan, K. Tomobe, I. Madu, T. Goodson III, K. Makhal, M.T. Trinh, S. Rand, N. Yodsin, S. Jungsutiwong, R. M. Laine.

“Photophysical properties of functionalized double decker phenylsilsesquioxane macromonomers: Cage-centered LUMOs form even when two cage edge bridges are removed, verified by modeling and high intensity laser light generated internal magnetic fields”.

Macromolecules, 52, 7413 (2019)


21.  C.J. Guan, K. Tomobe, I. Madu, T. Goodson III, K. Makhal, M.T. Trinh, S. Rand, S. Jungsutiwong, R. M. Laine.

“Photophysical properties of partially functionalized phenylsilsesquioxane. Cage-centered magnetic fields form under intense laser light”.

Macromolecules, 52, 4008, (2019)


22.  D. Truong, H. T. Nguyen, M. T. Trinh, K. Vu

“Three-Mode Multiplexer and Demultiplexer Utilizing Trident and Multimode Couplers”.

Optics Communications, 435, 334 (2019).


23.  E. de Jong, H. Rutjes, J. Valenta, M.T. Trinh, A. Poddubny, A. Gert, I. Yassievich, T. Gregorkiewicz.

“Thermally stimulated exciton emission in Si nanocrystals”.

Light: Science & Applications (Nature PG), 7, 17133 (2018).


24.  M.T. Trinh, A. Pinkard, A. Pun, S. Sanders, M. Sfeir, L. Campos, X. Roy, X.-Y. Zhu.

“Distinct Properties of the Triplet Pair State from Singlet Fission”.

Science Advances, 3 (7), e1700241 (2017).


25.  E. O’Brien, M.T. Trinh, R. Kann, J. Chen, G. Elbaz, A. Masurkar, T. Atallah, M. Paley, N. Patel, D. Paley, E. Doud, A. Crowther, I. Kymissis, A. Millis, D. Reichman X-Y. Zhu, X. Roy.

“Single-crystal to singlet-crystal intercalation of a low-bandgap super-atomic crystal”.

Nature Chemistry, 9, 1170 (2017).


26.  K. Miyata, D. Meggiolaro, M.T. Trinh, P. Joshi, E. Mosconi, S. Jones, F. De Angelis, X-Y. Zhu. “Large Polarons in Lead Halide Perovskites”.

Science Advances, 3 (8), e1701217 (2017).


27.  H. Zhu, M.T. Trinh, J. Wang, Y. Fu, P. Joshi, K. Miyata, S. Jin, X.-Y. Zhu.

“Organic Cations are Not Essential to the Remarkable Properties of Band Edge Carriers in Lead Halide Perovskites”.

Advanced Materials, 29, 1603072 (2017).


28.          X. Wu, L. Tan, K. T. Hu, X, Shen, K. Miyata, M.T. Trinh, S. Liu, D. Egger, R. Li, R. Coffee, S. Liu, D. Egger I. Makasyuk, Q. Zheng, A. Fry, J. Robinson, X. Wang, L. Kronik, X.-Y. Zhu, A. Rappe, A. Lindenberg.

“Light-induced picosecond rotational disordering in hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites”.

Science Advances, 3(7): e1602388 (2017).


29.          T. Sisto, Y. Zhong, B. Zhang, M.T. Trinh, K. Miyata, X. Zhong, X.-Y. Zhu, M. Steigerwald, F. Ng, C. Nuckolls.

“Long, Atomically Precis Donor-Acceptor Cove-Edge Nanoribbons as Electron Acceptors”.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 139, 5648 (2017).


30.  D. Truong, M.T. Trinh, H. Dang, V. Nguyen.

“Numerical investigation of polarization insensitive two-mode division (De)multiplexer based on an asymmetric directional coupler”.

Photonics and Nanostructures, 23, 50 (2017).


31.          B. Zhang, M.T. Trinh, B. Fowler, M. Ball, Q. Xu, F. Ng, M. Steigerwald, X.-Y. Zhu, C. Nuckolls, Y. Zhong.

“Rigid, Conjugated Macrocycles for High Performance Organic Photodetectors”.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138, 16426 (2016).


32.  L. Zhu, M.T. Trinh, L. Yin, Z. Zhang.

“Sequential Oligodiacetylene Formation for Progressive Luminescent Color Conversion via Co-Micellar Strategy”.

Chemical Science, 7, 2058 (2016).


33.  D. Niesner, H. Zhu, K. Miyata, P. Joshi, T. Evans, B. Kudisch, M.T. Trinh, M. Marks, X. Zhu.

“Persistent Energetic Electrons in Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskite Thin Films”.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138, 15717 (2016).


34.          T. Hu, M. Smith, E. Dohner, M. Sher, X. Wu, M.T. Trinh, A. Fisher, J. Corbett, X-Y. Zhu, H. Karunadasa, and A. Lindenberg.

“Mechanism for Broadband White-Light Emission from Two-Dimensional (110) Hybrid Perovskites”.

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 7, 2258 (2016).


35.          B. Choi, J. Yu, D. Paley, M.T. Trinh, M. Paley, J. Karch, A. Crowther, C. Lee, R. Lalancette, X-Y. Zhu, P. Kim, M. Steigerwald, C. Nuckolls, X. Roy.

“Van der Waals Solids from Self-Assembled Nanoscale Building Blocks”.

Nano Letters, 16, 1445 (2016).


36.  M.T. Trinh, X. Wu, D. Niesner, X.-Y. Zhu

“Many-Body Interactions in Photo-Excited Lead Iodide Perovskite”.

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3, 9285 (2015).


37.  H. Zhu, Y. Fu, F. Meng, X. Wu, Z. Gong, Q. Ding, M. Gustafsson, M.T. Trinh, S. Jin, X. Zhu.

“Lead Halide Perovskite Nanowire Lasers with Low Lasing Thresholds and High Quality factors”

Nature Materials, 14, 636 (2015).


38.          Y. Zhong, M.T. Trinh, R. Chen, G. Purdum, P. Khlyabich, M. Sezen, S. Oh, H. Zhu, B. Fowler, B. Zhang, W. Wang, C. Nam, M. Sfeir, C. Black, M. Steigerwald, Y. Loo, F. Ng, X-Y. Zhu, C. Nuckolls.

“Molecular Helices as Electron Acceptors in High-Performance Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells”.

Nature Communications. 6, 8242 (2015).


39.          Q. Chen, M.T. Trinh, D. Paley, M. Preefer, H. Zhu, B. Fowler, X.-Y. Zhu, M. Steigerwald, C. Nuckolls.

“Strain-Induced Stereoselective Formation of Blue-Emitting Cyclostilbenes”

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 127, 12282 (2015).


40.          M.T. Trinh, Y. Zhong, Q. Chen, T. Schiros, S. Jockusch, M. Sfeir, M. Steigerwald, C. Nuckolls, and X.-Y. Zhu.

“Intra- to Intermolecular Singlet Fission”.

Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119, 1312 (2015).


41.  X. Wu, M.T. Trinh, D. Niesner, H. Zhu, Z. Norman, J. Owen, O. Yaffe, X.-Y. Zhu.

“Trap States in Lead Iodide Perovskites”.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137, 2089 (2015).


42.  X. Wu, M.T. Trinh, X.-Y. Zhu.

“Excitonic Many-Body Interactions in Two-Dimensional Lead Iodide Perovskite Quantum Wells”

Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119, 14714 (2015).


43.          S. Sanders, E. Kumarasamy, A. Pun, M.T. Trinh, B. Choi, J. Xia, E. Taffet, J. Low, J. Miller, X. Roy, X-Y. Zhu, M. Steigerwald, M. Sfeir, L. Campos.

“Quantitative Intramolecular Singlet Fission in Bipentacenes”.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 137, 8965 (2015).


44.          Y. Zhong, M.T. Trinh, R. Chen, W. Wang, P. Khlyabich, B. Kumar, Q. Xu, C. Nam, M. Sfeir, C. Black, M. Steigerwald, Y. Loo, S. Xiao, Fay Ng, X.-Y. Zhu, C. Nuckolls.

“Efficient Organic Solar Cells with Helical Perylene Diimide Electron Acceptors”.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 136, 15215 (2014).


45.          Y. Zhong, B. Kumar, S. Oh, M.T. Trinh, Y. Wu, K. Elbert, P. Li, X. Zhu, S. Xiao, F. Ng, M. Steigerwald, C. Nuckolls.

“Helical Ribbons for Molecular Electronics”.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 136, 8122 (2014).


46.  M.T. Trinh, M. Sfeir, J. Choi, J. Owen, and X-Y. Zhu.

“A hot electron-hole pair breaks the symmetry of a semiconductor quantum dot”.

Nano Letters, 13, 6091 (2013).


47.  M.T. Trinh*, R. Limpens, T. Gregorkiewicz. (* corresponding author).

“Experimental and modeling study of Auger recombination in silicon nanocrystals”.

Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117, 5963 (2013).


48.  V. Svrcek, K. Dohnalova, D. Mariotti, M.T. Trinh, R. Limpens, S. Mitra, T. Gregorkiewicz, K. Matsubara, M. Kondo.

“Dramatic enhancement of photoluminescence quantum yields for surface-engineered Si nanocrystals within the solar spectrum”.

Advanced Functional Materials, 23, 6051 (2013).


49.  M.T. Trinh*, R. Limpens, W. de Boer, J. Schins, L. Siebbeles, T. Gregorkiewicz*.

“Direct generation of multiple excitons in adjacent Si nanocrystals revealed by ultrafast induced absorption”. (* corresponding author).

Nature Photonics, 6, 316 (2012).

Highlighted in the News and Views: A. J. Nozik, Photovoltaics: Separating multiple excitons, Nature Photonics 6, 272 (2012).


50.  M.T. Trinh, L. Polak, J. Schins, A. Houtepen, R. Vaxenburg, G. Maikov, G. Grinbom, A. Midgett, J. Luther, M. Beard, A. Nozik, M. Bonn, E. Lifshitz, L. Siebbeles.

“Anomalous independence of multiple exciton generation on different group IV-VI quantum dot architectures”.

Nano Letters, 11, 1623 (2011).


51.  Y. Gao, E. Talgorn, M. Aerts, M.T. Trinh, J. Schins, A. Houtepen, L. Siebbeles.

“Enhanced hot-carrier cooling and ultrafast spectral diffusion in strongly-coupled PbSe quantum-dot solids”.

Nano Letters, 11, 5471 (2011).


52.  W. de Boer, M.T. Trinh, D. Timmerman, J. Schins, L. Siebbeles, T. Gregorkiewicz.

“Increased carrier generation rate in Si nanocrystals in SiO2 investigated by induced absorption”.

Applied Physics Letters, 99, 053126 (2011).


53.          N. Ha, S. Cueff, K. Dohnalova, M.T. Trinh, C. Labbe, R. Rizk, I. Yassievich, T. Gregorkiewicz.

“Photon cutting for excitation of Er3+ ions in SiO2 sensitized by Si quantum dots”.

Physical Review B, 84, 241308(R) (2011).


54.  J. Schins, M.T. Trinh, A. Houtepen, L. Siebbeles.

“Probing formally forbidden optical transitions in PbSe nanocrystals by time- and energy-resolved transient absorption spectroscopy”.

Physical Review B, 80, 035323 (2009).


55.  J. Piris, T. Dykstra, A. Bakulin, P. Loosdrecht, W. Knulst, M.T. Trinh, J. Schins, L. Siebbeles.

“Photogeneration and ultrafast dynamics of excitons and charges in P3HT/PCBM blends”.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 113, 14500 (2009).


56.  M.T. Trinh, A. Houtepen, J. Schins, J. Piris, L. Siebbeles.

“Nature of the second optical transition in PbSe nanocrystals”.

Nano Letters, 8, 2112, (2008).


57.  M.T. Trinh, A. Houtepen, J. Schins, T. Hanrath, J. Piris, W. Knulst, A. Goossens, L. Siebbeles.

“In spite of recent doubts carrier multiplication does occur in PbSe nanocrystals”.

Nano Letters, 8, 1713 (2008).


58.  S. Lee, K. Jang. J. Shin, M.T. Trinh, K. Lim, I. Sohn, Y. Noh, J. Lee, E. Kim.

“Spectral change in silver-doped sodium-borate glass by using femtosecond laser irradiation”.

Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 52, 1665-1668 (2008).


59.  M.T. Trinh, S. Lee, K. Lim, E. Kim.

“Optical memory in DuPont photopolymers by using femtosecond laser pulses”.

Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 50, 474-478 (2007).


60.  S. Lee, M.T. Trinh, J. Nam, K. Lim, M. Lee.

“Laser-induced defect centers and valence state change of Mn ions in sodium borate glasses”.

Journal of Luminescence, 122, 142-145 (2007).


61.  K. Lim, S Lee, M.T. Trinh, S. Kim, D. Hamilton, G. Gibson.

“Femtosecond laser-induced reduction in Eu-doped sodium borate glasses”.

Journal of Luminescence, 122, 14-16 (2007).


62.  V. Pham, S. Lee, M.T. Trinh, K. Lim, D. Hamilton.

“Light-induced absorption and holographic recording in Pr : LiNbO3”.

Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 49, 533-537 (2006).


63.  V. Pham, S. Lee, M.T. Trinh, K. Lim, D. Hamilton, K. Polgár.

“Nonvolatile two-color holographic recording in Tm-doped near-stoichiometric LiNbO3”.

Optics Communications, 248, 89-96 (2005).





C. Nuckolls, Y. Zhong, R. Chen, B. Kumar, M.T. Trinh, W. Wang, C. Nam, M.Y. Sfeir, M. L. Steigerwald, X.-Y. Zhu, S. Xiao, F. Ng.

“Organic semiconductor compounds and methods of use”

Patent: WO2015171640 A1. (2015). U.S. patent: US10566539B2 (2020)


Conference papers


1.    K. Makhal, M.T. Trinh, G. Smail, C. Spitzfaden, J. Guan, R.M. Laine, S. Rand

“Probing the 3D-conjugated LUMOs of Silsesquioxanes with Light Scattering”.

Novel Optical Materials and Applications. OSA, NoM2B.5 (2019)


2.    M.T. Trinh, K. Makhal, D.S. Yang, J. Kim, S. Rand.

“First observations of ultrafast mangneto-electric charge separation and induced molecular rotations”.

Nonlinear Optics, OSA. NTu1B.6. (2019)


3.    K. Makhal, M.T. Trinh, E. Dreyer, S. Rand

“Evidence of Magnetic Torque Dynamics in Optically-induced Magnetization”.

Frontiers in Optics, OSA, FM4B.5 (2018).


4.    M.T. Trinh, K. Makhal, E. Dreyer, S. Rand

“Optical Magnetic Force Induces Molecular Rotations”.

CLEO:OSA, Fundamental Science, FF2E. 7 (2018).


5.    D. Timmerman, M.T. Trinh, W. de Boer, K. Dohnalova, T. Gregorkiewicz.

“Manipulating photon energy with Si nanocrystals”.

Optics for Solar Energy (OSE), Optical Society of America, ST4A.3 (2012)


6.    M.T. Trinh, K. Lim, S. Lee, J. Nam, E. Kim.

“Three-dimensional memory using photoreduction of Eu ions”.

Proc. SPIE, 6327, 632714-632721 (2006).


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