Resources & Tools
Unit converter from the Halas' group (RU)
Tutorials: The basics of Raman spectroscopy, from Andor
Lesson 1: The Basics of Raman Spectroscopy
Lesson 2: Raman Spectroscopy – Advanced Applications
Lesson 3: Raman Spectroscopy - Characterizing Low Dimensional Materials using Raman Spectroscopy
AFM and near-field training and webinar from NT-MDT
Basic Principles of AFM Advanced Modes & Applications
Challenges and Solutions in Practical Atomic Force Microscopy
AFM and AFM-Raman Solutions for Nanoscale Studies
Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy: Relevant Insights and Trends
Beyond the Diffraction Limit: AFM Integration with Light
Tip Enhanced Raman Scattering. Approaching 10 nm spatial resolution in Raman imaging
Image Processing and Analysis in Scanning Probe Microscopy: Key Aspects and Recipes
Data Processing and Representation in Atomic Force Microscopy
AFM-Raman, SNOM and TERS: Recent Advances and Applications
AFM integration with Laser Spectroscopy: Challenges, Solutions, Advantages
Nanoscale IR Microscopy and Spectroscopy
Near Field Imaging
Introducing Ultrafast Nanoscopy from Neaspec
Series webinars from NeaSpec Webinars - neaspec
Quantum Entanglement
Quantum measurement are Entanglement
Career Development. From
Software tools
VESTA Visualization for electronics and structure analysis. (3D drawing of molecules and compounds)
Basic chemistry youtube videos (Dr. Wayne Breslyn):